Изпълнен със страх Божи, богоблажени царю Борисе, станал си жилище на Светия Дух:
утвърдил Христовата вяра, оставил си царския престол и жезъл.
И, заселил се в пустинята, разцъфтял си в подвизи и си намерил благодат пред Господа.
А сега, застанал пред престола на Всевишния,
моли Христа Бога да дарува на народа ни мъдрост и сила,
а на нас, молещи теб, спасение на душите ни.
На камъка на непорочната вяра създал храмове,
с Божествени добродетели сам себе си си показал предобър и красив храм, богоблажени царю Борисе,
в когото Отец се всели, и Син, и Дух Свети.
Прочее, с това твоето упование в безсмъртието е изпълнено,
защото Бог, като те изпита, намери те достоен за Себе си
и те прие като жертвено всеплодие.
Сега моли се за нашите души.
Блажени царю Борисе, като стоиш пред престола на Всевишния,
моли Христа Бога да дарява на народа ни мъдрост и сила,
а нас, които ти се молим – спасение на нашите души
Свети цар Борис-Михаил - покръстител на българите бил родственик на св. мъченик княз Боян Български. За покръстването преговарял с папа Николай, но приел Христовата вяра от Изток - Цариград и патриарх Фотий Цариградски изпратил епископи и свещеници в България.
Борис се кръстил с цялото си семейство, като при кръщението приел името на Византийския император - Михаил. Кръстили се болярите и целият народ в 865 година.
След смъртта на светите Кирил и Методий учениците им намерили прием в България и подпомагали Борис в религиозно-просветната и книжовна дейност. Обикнал монашеския подвиг, цар Борис в 889 година поставил на престола по-големия си син Владимир и се отдалечил в манастир. Но недоволните боляри подтикнали Владимир към преврат, за да възвърне езическата религия. Узнал това, Борис се върнал в столицата Плиска и потушил метежа. Владимир бил свален и на негово място бил поставен по-малкия син Симеон.
Върнал се в манастира на пост и молитва и завършил живота си като монах в 906 година на 2 май. Като покръстител св. цар Борис е наречен "равноапостолен светец".
The Holy Equal of the Apostles Tsar Boris, in Holy Baptism Michael: His apostolic deeds were foretold by an uncle, St Boyan. The first years of the reign of Tsar Boris were marked by misfortune. The Bulgarians were frequently at war with surrounding nations, famine and plague beset the land, and in the year 860 Bulgaria found itself in dire straits. Tsar Boris saw the salvation of his land, which was darkened by paganism, in its enlightenment by the faith in Christ. During one of the battles of the Bulgarians with the Greeks he captured the illustrious courtier Theodore Kuphares, who had become a monk. He was the first man to plant the seed of the Gospel in the soul of the Bulgarian tsar. In one of the campaigns with the Greeks the young sister of Tsar Boris was taken captive, and was raised in the Orthodox Faith at the court of the Byzantine Emperor. When the emperor Theophilus died, Tsar Boris decided to take advantage of this circumstance to take revenge upon the Greeks for his former defeats. But the widow of the emperor, Theodora, showed courage and sent a messenger to the Bulgarian tsar saying that she was prepared to defend the Empire and humiliate its opponents. Tsar Boris agreed to a peace alliance, and Theodore Kuphares was exchanged for the Bulgarian princess, who influenced her brother toward Christianity. A while later St Methodius was sent into Bulgaria. He and his brother St Cyril were enlightening the Slavic peoples with the light of Christ. St Methodius baptized Tsar Boris, his family and many of the nobles. When the pagan Bulgarians learned of this, they wanted to kill Tsar Boris, but their plot was frustrated by the tsar. Deprived of their rebellious leaders, the Bulgarian people voluntarily accepted Baptism. A peace was concluded between Byzantium and Bulgaria, based on their unity in faith, which was not broken until the end of the reign of the noble tsar. The Patriarch Photius (February 6) took great interest in the spiritual growth of the Bulgarian nation. In 867, preachers from Rome were sent into Bulgaria. This led to three years of discord between the Greek and Roman Churches in Bulgaria.
A Council at Constantinople in 869 put an end to the quarrel, and on March 3, 870 Bulgaria was joined to the Eastern Church, and Orthodoxy was firmly established there. Bulgaria's holy ascetics: Sts Gorazd (July 27) and Clement of Ochrid (July 27) were glorified as saints. Tsar Boris adorned the land with churches and furthered the spread of piety. Later, a Patriarchal See was established in Bulgaria. In his declining years, Tsar Boris entered a monastery, leaving the throne to his sons Vladimir and Simeon. While in the monastery the saint learned that Vladimir, who succeeded him, had renounced Christianity. Distressed by this, St Boris again donned his military garb, punished his disobedient son and threw him in prison. After giving the throne to his younger son Simeon, St Boris returned to the monastery. He left it once more to repel a Hungarian invasion. St Boris, who was named Michael in holy Baptism, reposed on May 2, 907.
Великий князь Киевский Ярослав Мудрый (1019-1054) глубоко почитал своих братьев, святых мучеников Бориса († 1015; память 24 июля) и Глеба († 1015; память 5 сентября). Было известно, что убиенный князь Борис погребен в Вышгороде, близ Киева. Вскоре были найдены святые мощи благоверного князя Глеба на Смядыни, неподалеку от Смоленска, откуда их перевезли по Днепру в Киев. Киевский Митрополит Иоанн I (1008-1035) с собором духовенства торжественно встретили нетленные мощи святого страстотерпца и положили в Вышгороде у храма святого Василия Великого, где находились мощи мученика Бориса. Вскоре место погребения прославилось чудотворениями. Тогда мощи святых братьев Бориса и Глеба были извлечены из земли и положены в специально устроенной часовне. 24 июля 1026 года был освящен построенный Ярославом Мудрым пятиглавый храм в честь святых мучеников.
В последующие годы Вышгородский Борисоглебский храм с мощами святых страстотерпцев становится семейным храмом Ярославичей, святилищем их братской любви и совместного служения Родине. Символом их единения стало празднование перенесения мощей Бориса и Глеба 2 мая. История его установления связана с предшествовавшими событиями русской истории. 2 мая 1069 года вошел в Киев великий князь Изяслав, изгнанный с княжения за семь месяцев до этого (в сентябре 1068 года) в результате восстания киевлян. В благодарность за Божие содействие в установлении мира на Русской земле князь построил вместо обветшавшего храма, воздвигнутого в 1026 году, новый, "в верх один". На освящении его присутствовали два митрополита, Георгий Киевский и Неофит Черниговский, с епископами, игуменами и духовенством. Перенесение мощей, в котором участвовали все трое Ярославичей (Изяслав, Святослав, Всеволод), было приурочено во 2 мая, это число и было утверждено для ежегодного празднования.
Святослав Ярославич, княживший в Киеве в 1073-1076 гг., предпринял попытку сделать Борисоглебский храм каменным, но успел довести кладку стен лишь до восьми локтей. Всеволод († 1093) достроил церковь, но она в ту же ночь обрушилась.
Почитание святых Бориса и Глеба сильно развилось в эпоху внуков Ярослава, приводя нередко к своеобразному благочестивому соревнованию между ними. Сын Изяслава Святополк (†1113) устроил святым серебряные раки, сын Всеволода Владимир Мономах (†1125) в 1002 г. тайно, ночью прислал мастеров и оковал серебряные раки листами золота. Но их превзошел сын Святослава Олег ( 1115), знаменитый "Гориславич", упоминаемый в "Слове о полку Игореве". Он "умыслил воздвигнуть сокрушившуюся каменную (церковь) и, приведя строителей, дал в обилии всего, что нужно". Церковь была готова в 1011 году. Расписав ее, Олег "много понуждал и молил Святополка, чтобы перенести в нее святые мощи". Святополк не хотел, "зане не он создал ту церковь".
Смерть Святополка Изяславича ( 1113) вызвала в Киеве новый мятеж, который едва умирил Владимир Мономах, ставший в этом году великим князем. Решив скрепить дружбу со Святославичами совместным торжеством перенесения мощей в Олегов храм, он дал знать Олегу и Давыду ( 1123). "Владимир, собрав сыновей, и Давыд и Олег со своими сыновьями пришли к Вышгороду. И все святители, игумены, черноризцы, поповство сошлось, наполнив весь город и по стенам градским не уместились". Наутро, 2 мая 1115 года, в Неделю жен-мироносиц, начали петь утреню в обеих церквах - старой и новой, началось перенесение мощей. При этом произошло своеобразное разделение: "и повезли на санях сначала Бориса, с ним шли Владимир, митрополит и духовенство". За ним на других санях повезли святого Глеба: "с ним шел Давыд с епископами и духовенством". (Олег ждал всех в церкви.)
Это разделение соблюдалось и в дальнейших поколениях. Святой Борис считался небесным покровителем преимущественно Мономашичей, святой Глеб - преимущественно Ольговичей и Давыдовичей. Доходило до того, что Владимир Мономах в своем "Поучении", говоря о Борисе, не упоминает Глеба, а в роду Ольговичей, наоборот, ни одного княжича не назвали именем Борис.
Вообще же имена Борис и Глеб так же, как Роман и Давид, были излюбленными во многих поколениях русских князей. Братья Олега Гориславича носили имена Роман († 1079), Глеб ( 1078) Давыд († 1123), один из сыновей его носил имя Глеб († 1138). У Мономаха были сыновья Роман и Глеб, у Юрия Долгорукого - Борис и Глеб, у святого Ростислава Смоленского - Борис и Глеб, у святого Андрея Боголюбского - святой благоверный Глеб († 1174), у Всеволода Большого Гнезда - Борис и Глеб. Среди сыновей Всеслава Полоцкого († 1101) - полный набор "борисоглебских" имен: Роман, Глеб, Давид, Борис.
Вышгородские святыни были не единственным центром литургического церковного почитания святых страстотерпцев Бориса и Глеба, распространенного по всей Русской земле. Прежде всего, существовали храмы и монастыри в конкретных местностях, связанных с мученическим подвигом святых и их чудесной помощью людям: храм Бориса и Глеба на Дорогожиче, на пути в Вышгород, где святой Борис, по преданию, испустил дух; Борисоглебский монастырь на Тме, близ Твери, где конь Глеба повредил ногу; обители того же имени на Смядыни - на месте убиения Глеба и на реке Тверце, близ Торжка (основан в 1030 г.), где хранилась глава святого Георгия Угрина. Борисоглебские храмы были воздвигнуты на Альте - в память победы Ярослава Мудрого над Святополком Окаянным 24 июля 1019 года, и на Гзени, в Новгороде - на месте победы над волхвом Глеба Святославича.
Ольговичи и Мономашичи состязались в создании великолепных храмов святым мученикам. Сам Олег, кроме Вышгородского храма, воздвиг в 1115 г. Борисоглебский собор в Старой Рязани (почему и епархия называлась позже Борисоглебской). Его брат Давыд строит такой же в Чернигове (в 1120 г.). В 1132 г. Юрий Долгорукий построил церковь Бориса и Глеба в Кидекше на реке Нерли, "где было становище святого Бориса". В 1145 г. святой Ростислав Смоленский " заложи церковь каменну на Смядыни", в Смоленске. В следующем году возник первый (деревянный) Борисоглебский храм в Новгороде. В 1167 г. на смену деревянному закладывается каменный, оконченный и освященный в 1173 году. Строителем церкви новгородские летописи называют Сотко Сытинича - былинного Садко.
Святые страстотерпцы Борис и Глеб были первыми русскими святыми, канонизованными Русской и Византийской Церквами. Служба им была составлена вскоре после их кончины, составителем ее был святитель Иоанн I, митрополит Киевский (1008-1035), что подтверждают записи в Минеях ХII века. Свидетельством особого почитания на Руси святых мучеников Бориса и Глеба служат многочисленные списки житий, сказаний о мощах, чудесах и похвальных слов в рукописных и печатных книгах ХII-ХIХ веков
св. Атанасий Велики
Св. Атанасий е роден 295 г. в столицата на Египет Александрия. Богу било угодно още преди да завърши обучението си, една случка да предопредели неговата съдба.
Веднъж Александрийският архиепископ св. Александър гледал през прозореца и вниманието му привлякла интересна гледка: група момчета-християни играели на морския бряг, кръщавайки своите връстници-езичници. Децата избрали Атанасий за "епископ", други деца били свещеници и дякони, а езически деца били водени към "епископа", за да ги кръсти. Архиепископ Александър заповядал да доведат децата при него и ги разпитал за подробностите на играта. След като ги изслушал, убеден че кръщението било извършено изцяло в съгласие с Църковния устав, архиепископът признал кръщението за действително, допълнил го с Миропомазване на новопокръстените и посъветвал родителите на Атанасий да подготвят сина си за църковно служение. След като момчето завършило образованието си, Александър го взел в своя дом и го направил свой духовен син и секретар. Така започнал духовния път на бъдещия св. Атанасий Велики, когото още приживе нарекли "баща на православието".
В 319 г. Атанасий станал дякон. Между това в Александрия се появила ереста на местния свещеник Арий. Той учил, че Христос - не само като човек, но и като Бог - не бил равночестен на Отца, а бил по-нисш Бог, Който е само подобен на Отца, а в действителност е сътворен, имащ начало във времето. Това учение се разпространявало бързо. Много пъти Александър го уговарял и разобличавал, като в този труд Атанасий винаги му помагал. Арий обаче бил упорит, ереста се ширела и се наложило да се свикат епископски събори за нейното изкореняване. Такива били поместните събори в Александрия, в Антиохия и най-сетне Първият вселенски събор в Никея през 325 година, на който присъствал и самият император Константин Велики. Атанасий присъствал на Никейския събор заедно с архиепископа си Александър и решително помогнал за осъждането на Арий. Неговият принос в работата на Първия вселенски събор толкова го прославил, че той се завърнал у дома си като известен богослов.
На следващата година св. Атанасий бил поставен за Александрийски архиепископ. Заради повдигнати обвинения в користолюбие и в груби насилия над клириците от враговете-ариани на св. Атанасий, бил свикан събор в Трир, който независимо от изложените доказателства в защита на невинността на архиепископа на Александрия, все пак го осъдил. Като видял, че по този начин няма да се добере до правдата, св. Атанасий се срещнал лично в Цариград с император Константин Велики и му представил истината.
Императорът извикал участниците в Трирския събор за преразглеждане на делото, но враговете на св. Атанасий успели да подведат императора с нова клевета. Като видял, че не е възможно да примири Атанасий с неговите противници и като се опасявал от бунт в Александрия, императорът решил да пожертва нейния архиепископ и да го изпрати на заточение в Галия, където той прекарал две години. След смъртта на Константин Велики, неговите наследници с указ върнали св. Атанасий за епископ на Александрия. Това дало нов повод на Атанасиевите врагове да го обявят за незаконен епископ вече на основанието, че бил върнат на катедрата от светската власт.
През този печален период от църковната история враговете на св. Атанасий Велики на няколко пъти успявали да извоюват неговото осъждане и изгнание. От всичките 47 години на своето епископско служение той прекарал 15 години в изгнание.
Още в първите си съчинения, Слово към езичниците и Слово за въплъщението на Бог Слово и за явяването Му в плът пред нас, била набелязана главната тема на неговото богословие. Основни негови догматически съчинения са Четири слова против арианите (ок. 356–359), посветени на утвърждаването на божествеността на Спасителя. На него приписват и Житието на св. Антоний, както и множество трактати коментари към Св. Писание, книги с нравоучителен характер и проповеди. В тези негови съчинения са пръснати най-дълбоки и преливащи от истинска мъдрост богословски и нравствени истини. Нему св. Църква дължи разгромяването на опасната арианска ерес и създаването на Никео-Цариградския Символ на Вярата.
В 373 г. св. Атанасий починал в Александрия. Църквата чества паметта му на 2 май и на 18 Януари (съвместно със св. Кирил Александрийски).
Ὁ δέ γε Γεώργιος καὶ πρεσβύτερος μὲν ὢν διὰ τὴν κακίαν αὐτοῦ καθῃρέθη, καὶ ὀνομάσας δὲ ἑαυτὸν ἐπίσκοπον οὐδὲν ἧττον πάλιν καθῃρέθη ἐν τῇ κατὰ Σαρδικὴν μεγάλῃ συνόδῳ.
Apologia de fuga sua, 26
Athanasius, St, Bishop of Alexandria and one of the most illustrious defenders of the Christian faith, was born at Alexandria about the year 297. Of his family, circumstances, or early education nothing can be said to be known, although a legendary story has been preserved by Rufinus of Aquileia as to the manner in which he came, while yet a boy, under the notice of his predecessor, Alexander. It seems certain that Alexander became his patron, took him as a youth into his house, and employed him as his secretary. This was probably about 313, and from this time Athanasius may be said to have been devoted to the Christian ministry. He was, no doubt, a student in the "Didascaleion," or famous "catechetical school " of Alexandria, which included amongst its already illustrious teachers the names of Clement and Origen. In the museum, the ancient seat of the Alexandrian university, he may have learned grammar, logic, and rhetoric.The persecution under which the Alexandrian Church suffered at this time, and his intimacy with the great hermit Antony of which he himself has told us, had all their effect upon his character, and served to nurture in him that undaunted fortitude and high spirit of faith by which he became distinguished.
Before the outbreak of the Arian controversy, which began in 319, Athanasius had made himself known as the author of two essays addressed to a convert from heathenism, one of them entitled Against the Gentiles, and the other On the Incarnation of the Word. There is no distinct evidence of the connection of Athanasius with the first contentions of Arius and his bishop, which ended in the exile of the former, and his entrance into Palestine under the protection of Eusebius the historian, who was bishop of Caesarea and subsequently of his namesake the bishop of Nicomedia. It can hardly be doubted, however, that Athanasius would be a cordial assistant of his friend and patron Alexander, and... seems about this time to have become archdeacon of Alexandria. At the Council of Nicaea, in the year 325, he appears prominently in connection with the dispute.
He attended the council, not as one of its members (who were properly only bishops or delegates of bishops), but merely as the attendant of Alexander. In this capacity, however, he was apparently allowed to take part in its discussions, for Theodoret (i. 26) states that "he contended earnestly for the apostolic doctrines, and was applauded by their champions, while he earned the hostility of their opponents". Within `five months' after the return of Alexander to the scene of his episcopal labours he expired, and his friend and archdeacon was chosen to succeed him. He was elected in the sight and amidst the acclamations of the people. He was now about 30 years of age, and is spoken of as remarkable both for his physical and mental characteristics. He was small in stature, but his face was radiant with intelligence, as 'the face of an angel. This is the expression of Gregory of Nazianzus (Orat., xxii. 9).
The first few years of the episcopate of Athanasius were tranquil; but the storms in which the remainder of his life was passed soon began to gather around him. The Council of Nicaea had settled the creed of Christendom, but had by no means composed the divisions in the church which the Arian controversy had provoked. Arius himself still lived, and his friend Eusebius of Nicomedia rapidly regained influence over the Emperor Constantine. The result of this was a demand made by the emperor that Arius should be re-admitted to communion. Athanasius stood firm, and refused to have any communion with the advocates of a "heresy that was fighting against Christ." Constantine was baffled for the moment; but many accusers soon rose up against one who was known to be under the frown of imperial displeasure. The archbishop of Alexandria was charged with cruelty, even with sorcery and murder. There appeared plainly a predetermination to condemn him, and he fled from Tyre to Constantinople to appeal to the emperor himself. The leaders of the Tyrian council, amongst the most conspicuous of whom were the two Eusebii, were accordingly summoned to Constantinople just after they had celebrated, at a great dedication festival at Jerusalem, the condemnation of Athanasius and the restoration of Arius to church communion. In confronting the former before Constantine they did not attempt to repeat the charge of cruelty, but found a more ready and effective weapon to their hands in a new charge of a political kind - that Athanasius had threatened to stop the Alexandrian corn-ships bound for Constantinople. On the present occasion his accusers succeeded in at once arousing the imperial jealousy; and the consequence was, that, notwithstanding his earnest denial of the act attributed to him, he was banished to Trier, or Treves, the capital of Gaul.
This was the first banishment of Athanasius, which lasted about two years and a half. It was only brought to a close by the death of Constantine, and the accession of Constantine II as emperor of the West. It is recorded by himself (Apol. 7) that, on his return to Alexandria, "the people ran in crowds to see his face; the churches were full of rejoicing; thanksgivings were offered up everywhere; the ministers and clergy thought the day the happiest in their lives." But this period of happiness was destined to be short-lived. His position as patriarch of Alexandria placed him, not under his friend Constantine II, but under Constantius, another son of the elder Constantine, who had succeeded to the throne of the East. He in his turn fell, as his father had done, more and more under the influence of the Nicomedian Eusebius, now transferred to the see of Constantinople. A second expulsion of Athanasius was accordingly resolved upon. The old charges against him were revived, with the addition of his having set at naught the decision of a council. It was further resolved on this occasion to put another bishop in his place. Accordingly, in the beginning of the year 340, a Cappadocian named Gregory, said to be an Arian, was installed by military force on the throne of the great defender of the faith, who, to save his followers from outrage, withdrew to a place of concealment. As soon as it was possible he repaired to Rome, to "lay his case before the church." He was declared innocent at a council held there in 342, and in another held at Sardica some years later. Julius, the bishop of Rome, warmly espoused his cause, and, generally, it may be said that the Western Church was Athanasian in its sympathies and its creed, while the majority of the Eastern bishops sided with the Eusebian party.
This severance was clearly shown at the Council of Sardica, where the Orientals refused to meet with the representation of the Western Church, because the latter insisted on recognising the right of Athanasius and his friends to attend the council as regular bishops. The commonly received date of this council is 347, but the rediscovered Festal Letters of Athanasius have had the effect of throwing back this date for some years. It has been placed by some as early as the end of 343, by Mansi and others in the end of 344. The decision of the Council of Sardica, however, had no immediate effect in favour of Athanasius. Constantius continued for some time implacable, and the bold action of the Western bishops only incited the Arian party in Alexandria to fresh severities. Gradually, however, the excesses of the Arian party brought their own revenge, while the death of the intruded bishop Gregory, in the beginning of 345, opened up the way for a reconciliation betwixt the Eastern empеror and the banished prelate. The result was the restoration of Athanasius for the second time, amidst the enthusiastic demonstrations of the Alexandrian populace, which is represented by his panegyrist, Gregory Nazianzen, as streaming forth " like another Nile " to meet him in the distance as he approached the city. His restoration is supposed to have taken place, according to the more accurate chronology based upon the Festal Letters, in October 346.
For ten years at this time Athanasius held his ground in Alexandria. But the intrigues of the Arian or court party were soon renewed against him, and the feeble emperor, who had protested that he would never again listen to their accusations, was gradually stimulated to new hostilities. A large council was held at Milan in the spring of the year 356, and here, notwithstanding the vigorous opposition of a few faithful men amongst the Western bishops, a renewed condemnation of Athanasius was procured. This was followed up by the banishment of the faithful prelates, even of Hosius of Cordova, whose conciliatory character and intimate connection with the imperial family had not prevented him from addressing to Constantius a pathetic remonstrance against the tyranny of the Arian party. When his friends were thus scattered in exile, their great leader could not long escape; and on the night of the 8th of February 356, while he was engaged in service in the church of St Thomas, a band of armed men burst into the sacred building. He has himself described the scene (Apol. de fuga, 24). Here for a time he maintained his composure, and desired the deacon to read the psalm, and the people to respond--" For His mercy endureth for ever; " and how, as the soldiers rushed forward with fierce shouts towards the altar, he at length made his escape in the crowd, and sought once more a place of safe retirement. The solitudes of Upper Egypt, where numerous monasteries and hermitages had been planted, appear to have been his chief shelter at this time. Here, protected from pursuit, he spent his time in literary labours in behalf of his cause; and to this period, accordingly, belong some of his most important writings, above all the great Orations or Discourses against the Arians, which furnish the best exposition of his theological position and principles.
For six years at this time Athanasius continued in exile, till the death of Constantius in November 361 opened once more the way for his return to his episcopate. Julian, the successor to the imperial throne, professed indifference to the contentions of the church, and granted permission to the bishops exiled in the late reign to return home. Amongst others, Athanasius took advantage of this permission, and seated himself once more upon his throne, amidst the jubilations of the people. He had begun his episcopal labours with renewed ardour, and summoned a council to Alexandria to decide various important questions, when an imperial mandate yet again drove him from his place of power. The faithful gathered around him weeping. " Be of good heart," he said, " it is but a cloud it will soon pass." His forecast proved true; for within a few months Julian had closed his brief career of Pagan revival, and Athanasius "returned by night to Alexandria." He received a letter from the new emperor, Jovian, praising his Christian fidelity, and encouraging him to resume his work. With the emperor he continued to maintain friendly relations, and even drew out for him a synodal letter embodying the Nicene Creed, which was graciously received. During the brief reign of this bluff soldier-prince, comparative quiet prevailed in the church. But the repose was of short duration. In the spring of 365, after the accession of Valens, troubles reappeared. An order was issued for the expulsion of all bishops who had been expelled by Constantius, and Athanasius was once more forced to take refuge in concealment from his persecutors.
His concealment, however, only lasted for four months, when an order came for his return; and from this time (Feb. 366) he was left undisturbed to pursue his episcopal labours. Those labours were unceasing in refuting heretics, in building churches, in rebuking rapacious governors, in comforting faithful bishops, and in strengthening the orthodox everywhere, till at length, in the spring of 373, "in a good old age," he ceased from all his work. Having consecrated one of his presbyters his successor, he died quietly in his own house.
Νὺξ μὲν γὰρ ἤδη ἦν, καὶ τοῦ λαοῦ τινες ἐπαννύχιζον προσδοκωμένης συνάξεως· ὁ δὲ στρατηλάτης Συριανὸς ἐξαίφνης ἐπέστη μετὰ στρατιωτῶν πλεῖον πεντακισχιλίων ἐχόντων ὅπλα καὶ ξίφη γυμνὰ καὶ τόξα καὶ βέλη καὶ ῥόπαλα, καθὰ καὶ πρότερον εἴρηται. Καὶ τὴν μὲν ἐκκλησίαν αὐτὸς περιεκύκλωσε στήσας τοὺς στρατιώτας σύνεγγυς, ὡς μὴ δύνασθαί τινας ἀπὸ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἐξελθόντας παρελθεῖν αὐτούς. Ἐγὼ δὲ ἄλογον ἡγούμενος ἐν τοσαύτῃ συγχύσει καταλεῖψαι τοὺς λαοὺς καὶ μὴ μᾶλλον προκινδυνεύειν αὐτῶν, καθεσθεὶς ἐπὶ τοῦ θρόνου, προέτρεπον τὸν μὲν διάκονον ἀναγινώσκειν ψαλμόν, τοὺς δὲ λαοὺς ὑπακούειν· «ὅτι εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τὸ ἔλεος αὐτοῦ» καὶ πάντας οὕτως ἀναχωρεῖν καὶ εἰς τοὺς οἴκους ἀπιέναι.
Ἀλλὰ τοῦ στρατηλάτου βίᾳ λοιπὸν ἐπεισελθόντος, καὶ τῶν στρατιωτῶν περιλαβόντων τὸ ἱερατεῖον ἕνεκα τοῦ συλλαβεῖν ἡμᾶς, οἱ μὲν εὑρεθέντες ἐκεῖ κληρικοὶ καὶ οἱ ἀπὸ τῶν λαῶν ἐβόων, ἠξίουν ἀναχωρεῖν ἤδη καὶ ἡμᾶς· ἐγὼ δὲ μᾶλλον ἀντέλεγον, μὴ πρότερον ἀναχωρήσειν εἰ μὴ πάντες καθ' ἕκαστον ὑπεξέλθοιεν.
Apologia de fuga sua, 24
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