вторник, 20 май 2008 г.

мъченик Талелай

Мъченик Талелай бил родом от Ливан. Той бил 18-годишен красив момък, по занятие лекар. След като смело изповядал своята вяра в Господа Иисуса Христа, съдията заповядал на двама палачи – Александър и Астерий – със свредел да продупчат коленете му и като проврат въже през продупчените кости, да го обесят на дърво.
Невидима Божия сила объркала ума на палачите и те вместо Талалей продупчили една дъска и я окачили на дървото. Когато мъчителят узнал това, помислил, че палачите се подиграват с него, и заповядал да ги подложат на изтезания. Тогава Александър и Астерий сред мъченията извикали: “Жив е християнският Господ! Отсега ние ставаме християни, вярваме в Христа и страдаме за Него!”
Като чул това, мъчителят заповядал да ги посекат с меч, а сам взел свредела и се помъчил да продупчи коленете на Талалей. Но изведнъж ръцете му се схванали и той трябвало да моли Талалей да го спаси, което незлобивият мъченик Христов и направил с молитвата си.
По-късно Талалей бил хвърлен в морето, но не се удавил. Останал невредим, той бил хвърлен на зверовете в цирка, но те кротко ближели нозете му и се умилквали около него. Най-после св. мъченик Талалей бил посечен с меч и се преселил във вечния живот в 284 г.

The Martyrs Thallelaeus, Alexander and Asterius lived during the reign of Numerian (283-284).
The prefect of the city of Aegea sent soldiers to seek out Christians. They brought to him Thallelaeus, an eighteen-year-old blond-haired youth. To the prefect's questions St Thallelaeus replied, "I am a Christian, a native of Lebanon. My father, Beruchius, was a military commander, and my mother was named Romylia. My brother is a subdeacon. I, however, am studying medicine under the physician Macarius. During a former persecution against Christians in Lebanon, I was brought before the prefect Tiberius, and barely escaped execution. But now that I stand before this court, do with me as you will. I wish to die for Christ my Savior and my God, and hope to endure all torments with His help."
The enraged prefect ordered the two torturers Alexander and Asterius to bore through the knees of the martyr, pass a rope through the bone, and suspend him head downwards. But the executioners, by God's design, bored into a block of wood, which they hung up in place of the martyr. When the prefect saw that they had deceived him, he then ordered that Alexander and Asterius be whipped. They also confessed themselves Christians and glorified God. The prefect immediately gave orders to cut off their heads. Twice he attempted to carry out the execution, and to bore through the saint's knees, but the grace of God prevented him. Then he commanded that St Thallelaeus be drowned.
The returning servants reported to the prefect that they had carried out the execution, but just as they finished their report, St Thallelaeus appeared in white raiment. For a long time everyone was numbed with terror, but finally the prefect said, "Behold, this sorcerer has bewitched even the sea." Then one of his advisers, the magician Urbician, told the prefect to have the martyr thrown to the wild beasts. But neither the vicious bear, not the hungry lion and lioness, would touch the saint, all meekly lay down at his feet. Seeing this happen, the people began to shout, "Great is the God of the Christians. O God of Thallelaeus, have mercy on us!"
The crowd seized Urbician and threw him to the beasts, which did not hesitate to tear the magician apart. Finally, the prefect gave orders to kill the holy martyr with a sword. They led Christ's martyr to the place of execution, called Aegea, where he prayed to God and bent his neck beneath the sword. This occurred in the year 284.
The relics of the holy martyr Thallelaeus are in the church of St Agathonicus of Constantinople and have performed many miracles. St Thallelaeus treated the sick without payment. For this reason, the Church calls him an Unmercenary Physician. He is invoked in prayers for the sick in the Mystery of Holy Unction, and during the Blessing of Waters.


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